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Downsizing office space in London

A complete guide for tech companies

Not all that long ago, bigger was better when it came to office spaces for tech companies. Just look at the headquarters of companies like Google, Airbnb and Dropbox — they’re all huge.

But the office landscape has changed quickly — especially for tech companies in London. Gone are the days when a sprawling office was the ultimate status symbol. In the post-Covid world, flexible and hybrid working has become the norm, and many businesses are considering downsizing office space.

Downsizing your office space is about more than renting a smaller space and saving some money. It’s a strategic move that can help take your tech company to the next level. The cost savings from a smaller office can let you pump more resources into what really matters — like team development, new equipment, R&D and even that much-needed new coffee machine.

If you’re considering downsizing your office space, this guide is for you. It breaks down why downsizing is becoming the new upscaling for tech companies and walks you through the benefits of a smaller office space in London. Plus, it gives you a step-by-step roadmap for your move and tips on what to look for in a new office space.

Ready to dive in?

Reasons London tech companies are downsizing office space

According to a recent survey by Bloomberg, a quarter of London companies are downsizing office space. Downsizing is a growing trend for UK businesses across all industries, particularly in the tech sector, and there are some very good reasons why tech companies are going smaller, not bigger.

Hybrid working is the new norm

First things first, the traditional office setup is undergoing a massive transformation. Gone are the days when your entire team clocked in at 9 and left at 5. With the rise of remote work and flexible schedules, the office might be half-empty most of the time.

So, why pay for unused space? A smaller office can serve as a hub for team meetings and collaborative work, while teams enjoy flexible working. It’s the best of both worlds, and it’s why the hybrid model is here to stay.

Financial flexibility

We’ve touched on this before, but it’s worth repeating: downsizing can free up some serious cash. And in the tech world, financial flexibility is like gold. You can reinvest those savings into areas that really matter, like R&D or employee training programs.

But it’s not just about having extra money in the bank. Financial flexibility gives you the freedom to take calculated risks, explore new markets, or even acquire that startup you’ve had your eye on. In short, it opens doors that were previously locked tight.

Increased productivity

You might think a bigger office means more room for productivity, but that’s not always the case. A sprawling office with loads of floor space can lead to isolated teams and less collaboration. Downsizing can actually bring your team closer, both literally and figuratively.

Imagine an office where everyone is within a shout’s distance, where impromptu brainstorming sessions are the norm. A smaller space can encourage a sense of community and teamwork, making it easier to get things done and done well.


A smaller, more flexible office space allows you to scale your operations up or down as needed, without the hassle of a rigid, long-term lease.

Need to ramp up for a big project? No problem. Need to scale down during the off-season? Easy. A flexible office space gives you the freedom to adapt to your business needs, making you more resilient in an ever-changing market.

Enhanced company culture

Company culture is the secret ingredient that makes or breaks a tech company. A smaller office can actually help you build a stronger, more cohesive culture. How? By encouraging interactions and collaborations that might not happen in a larger space.

Plus, a smaller space allows you to invest in amenities that actually matter to your team. Forget the empty, unused staff rooms of yesteryear — think kitchens with incredible coffee machines, privacy pods, and state-of-the-art meeting rooms. When your team loves where they work, they’ll love what they do.

More sustainable

Sustainability is more than just a trendy buzzword — it’s rapidly becoming a core value for businesses. A smaller office means less energy consumption, fewer resources, and a smaller carbon footprint.

And let’s not forget, going green isn’t just good for the planet — it’s good for business. Customers and clients are increasingly looking to work with or buy from environmentally responsible companies. So, downsizing can actually be a selling point for your brand.

A step-by-step guide to office space downsizing for tech companies

Now you’re up to speed with the reasons tech companies are downsizing, it’s time to get to the nitty-gritty side of making the move to a new office. While downsizing is simple in theory, it’s important to get it right from the first step and not rush the process.

Step 1: Assess your current situation

Before you start packing up your office furniture, take a good, hard look at your current office setup. How much space are you actually using? How much is gathering dust? This is the time to be brutally honest and figure out what you really need.

Once you’ve got a clear picture, involve your team in the decision-making process. After all, they’re the ones who’ll be using the space day in and day out. Their input can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t.

Step 2: Set your objectives

As we’ve shown, there are plenty of benefits to downsizing your office space, but what are you looking to get out of it? Is it cost-saving? Is it fostering a more collaborative environment?

Whatever it is, setting clear goals for what you want to achieve from downsizing is crucial for ensuring you get the best office space for your company.

Step 3: Choose the right location

Location is as crucial in downsizing as it is in real estate. You want a spot that’s convenient for your team and clients but also fits within your budget. Consider accessibility, local amenities, and, of course, the vibe of the neighbourhood.

Choosing the right location is a balancing act between convenience, budget, and the vibe you want to set for your company. Whether you’re leaning towards office space in ShoreditchFarringdon, or Mayfair, remember that your location will be a statement of who you are as a company.

Step 4: Find office space with the right facilities

You’ve nailed down your ideal London neighbourhood, but what about the office itself? Sure, you’ll need the basics like desks and chairs. But that’s not all you’re looking for. Consider breakout areas, privacy booths, meeting rooms and maybe even a pool table for those creative breaks.

And don’t stop there. Things like a dog-friendly office can make your team feel right at home, while a top-notch coffee machine can become the social hub of your office. So when you’re on the hunt for that perfect space, remember it’s not just about fulfilling basic needs — it’s about creating a work environment that’s as dynamic and versatile as your team.

Step 5: Check for flexibility

Flexibility is the name of the game when you’re downsizing. Sure, you’re going smaller now, but what if you outgrow your office in the future? Flexible office spaces can be a lifesaver, allowing you to adapt your space as your company grows. It’s like having a safety net for your business, giving you the freedom to expand without the hassle of another big move.

But flexibility isn’t limited to contracts. Think about the office layout — do you want an open-plan office for collaboration or more traditional setups for focused work? And don’t overlook the importance of flexible office hours. 24/7 access means your team can work when they’re most productive, not just when the clock says so.

Step 6: Make the move

You’ve done the research, picked the location, and found a space that ticks all the boxes. Now, it’s time to make it official. The process of moving can be daunting, but it’s also an opportunity for a fresh start.

Keep your team in the loop about move-in dates, new office features, and any changes in their daily commute. Transparency is key to ensuring a smooth transition.

And once you’re all settled in? Celebrate! Whether it’s a casual office-warming party or a more formal ribbon-cutting ceremony, take a moment to acknowledge the hard work that got you here. It’s not just a new office — it’s a new chapter for your company.

Find your new office space today

Downsizing might sound daunting, but as we’ve shown, it’s a strategic move packed with tonnes of potential. In a city as dynamic as London, having an office space that’s both efficient and adaptable can be a game-changer for tech companies.

But remember, downsizing isn’t just about reducing square footage—it’s about optimising for success.

At Canvas Offices, we specialise in providing London tech companies with the office space and flexibility they need to succeed. We have office spaces available in seven fantastic areas in London that all come with:

  • Flexibility
  • High-speed internet
  • All utilities included
  • Breakout areas
  • Kitchen
  • Meeting rooms
  • Shower facilities
  • 24/7 building access

Ready to make the switch? Explore our range of flexible office spaces in London tailored for tech companies. Whether you’re a budding startup or an established tech giant, we’ve got the perfect space waiting for you. If you have any questions, get in touch with us, and we’ll do everything we can to help.