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The 7 best smaller office design features

Many companies are adopting a small office space model, which is more cost-effective and easier to manage.

In the past, businesses often needed large office spaces to house all their employees. But for many companies, that’s no longer the case. With the rise of hybrid and flexible working, many are adopting a small office space model, which is more cost-effective and easier to manage.

There are plenty of benefits to having a small office space, such as increased productivity and creativity and a better work-life balance for employees. Additionally, small office spaces are more sustainable and have a smaller carbon footprint than larger ones.

If your business is looking for a way to reduce costs and be more sustainable, switching to a smaller office space is a great option. There are, however,  certain design features you should look out for. These features separate a functional small office space from a productive space you enjoy working from. We’ve put together this guide to the seven best small office design features, so you make the most of your office space.

Find a small office space that suits your team

Trying to find office space can be tricky. You want something close to public transport, has a decent amount of natural light, and is in a good neighbourhood. But most importantly, you want something affordable. But if you’re just starting your search, it can seem like all the good office spaces are already taken.

But don’t worry, because Canvas Offices has got your back. We’re here to help you find the perfect office space for your team, no matter how big or small. We’ve got a wide variety of office spaces available throughout London, so you’re sure to find something that suits your needs. And the best part is, we focus on providing a great value product and personalised service. It’s all about you and creating a space for that helps you and your team thrive.

All of our offices come with:

  • High-speed internet
  • Wifi
  • Utilities included
  • Breakout areas
  • Kitchen
  • Meeting rooms
  • 24/7 reception access


Plus, if you ever outgrow your office space, we’ll work with you to find the best solution, whether that’s moving between our network of buildings, reformatting the office or discussing our new upcoming spaces.

Small office design feature #1

Small office design feature #1

– Open plan space
Small office design can be a tricky thing. You want to make the most of your space but don't want it to feel cramped or cluttered. One way to strike that balance is to incorporate an open plan layout. This means having fewer walls and partitions and creating a more spacious feel.

Open-plan offices can help to promote collaboration and communication among employees. Rather than being isolated in their cubicles, your team will have the opportunity to interact and share ideas more freely. The only downside with small open-plan office spaces is the potential for noise, but that’s quickly resolved by having privacy pods (more on those later).
Small office design feature #2

Small office design feature #2

– Plenty of natural light
Some small offices can be dark and cramped, so having plenty of windows and skylights can make a massive difference. Natural light not only makes the office more cheerful but also helps to reduce eye strain and fatigue.

Studies show that exposure to natural light can improve productivity and mood. So if you’re looking for a small office design that will maximise productivity and well-being, make sure it has plenty of windows and natural light.
Small office design feature #3

Small office design feature #3

– Breakout spaces
Small businesses are always looking for ways to make the most of their space and budget. When it comes to office design, one of the latest trends is the use of breakout spaces. Breakout spaces are small, informal areas where employees can take a break from their workstations and enjoy some downtime.

These spaces can be used for relaxing, socialising, or even working on collaborative projects. Not only do breakout spaces help to promote creativity and collaboration, but they also offer a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of the workday.
Small office design feature #4

Small office design feature #4

– Meeting rooms
One of the most important small office features is having enough meeting rooms. It’s possible that you might not think you need them, but trust us – you do. Small offices tend to be fast-paced, and having a dedicated meeting space can be a lifesaver.

Having meeting rooms available allows you and your team to focus and be productive without worrying about distractions. Plus, it sends a message to clients and partners that you’re serious about business.

Depending on your office provider, you may be able to access meeting rooms in their other office buildings so you can arrange meetings in locations that may suit your team or clients better.
Small office design feature #5

Small office design feature #5

– Comfortable furniture
It’s easy for businesses to overlook the importance of comfortable furniture in the workplace, but it can actually have a significant impact on employee productivity and morale – especially in a smaller office space. We’re not talking about giving all of your employees a lazy boy to work from but ensuring your team has comfortable, ergonomic furniture is a must.

When employees are uncomfortable, they are less likely to be productive and more likely to call in sick. Unhappy employees are also more likely to leave for another job. By investing in or finding a serviced office with furniture, businesses can actually save money in the long run by reducing absenteeism and turnover.
Small office design feature #6

Small office design feature #6

– Privacy pods
Small office design can be challenging, especially when creating a balance between privacy and collaboration in an open-plan space. However, one way to achieve this balance is by using privacy pods.

Privacy pods are small, enclosed spaces that allow employees to take calls, video conferences or focus on projects. Depending on their size, they can also be used as meeting rooms or breakout areas. By providing employees with a space to retreat to when they need a quiet spot, privacy pods can help create a more productive workplace.
Small office design feature #7

Small office design feature #7

– Inspiring artwork
Small office design can sometimes be a bit mundane. You’re limited by space and want to make the most of every square inch. But that doesn’t mean your office has to be boring. In fact, many companies are now opting for inspiring office spaces to boost morale and productivity. One small office design feature that can really add some life to your space is artwork.

We’re not talking about those mass-produced prints you often see in corporate offices that are half inspirational quotes, half HR messages. We’re talking about unique artwork. It can be modern or traditional, abstract or representational. The important thing is that it speaks to your team and inspires them.