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The ultimate office move checklist

From finding a new office to a successful moving day

Moving office is an incredibly exciting time for your business. In many cases, it signifies growth and much needed change. We’ve seen many businesses pass through our offices to rent in London over the years. So we’ve put together an office move checklist which has everything that you need for your office relocation. From finding a new office space to having a successful moving day, whether you’re a startup or a large company, we hope that these top tips serve you well.


1. Office move checklist - Define your new space

A breakout area in our Duke Street, Mayfair private office space which overlooks Selfridges.


Before you sit down to find a new office, take some time to define exactly what you need from your new space. Whether it’s collaborative workspaces, breakout areas, meeting rooms, shower facilities, 24/7 reception access, flexible office spaces, a private or shared office - create an ideal wish list to solve issues that exist within your existing office. Think about why you’re moving out and come up with a budget of how much you’re able to spend.


2. Office relocation checklist - Choose a new home for your business


It’s time to bring your ideal wish list to life. A good starting point is to narrow down some locations. You might want to stay close to your current office. For example, if you’re currently in a Shoreditch office space and you might want to stay local or consider a new office near in Old Street

If you want to move to a completely new location, then have a think about what you want from your local area. Mayfair is home to some of the biggest names in business and fashion, Clerkenwell is a creative hub and home to a thriving startup scene and Dalston boasts a melting pot of culture with a lively cocktail bar scene. Wherever you choose to set up shop, make sure that you’re close to public transport links as this can be a deal breaker for existing and future staff.


This office space in Luke Street is a home away from home. It's also only a few minutes walk away from Old Street, Liverpool Street and Moorgate stations.


Next comes office design. We spend a huge chunk of our lives at work, so find a space that’s light and inspiring. Serviced offices are a good option if you want a space that’s already furnished. Office providers can also be flexible if you already have some or all of your own furniture. Find what works for you and make the office space your own.


3. Office move checklist - Communication is key

A creative office space in Old Street, London.


Now that you’ve found a new home for your business it’s time to communicate the office relocation to the wider team, if they were not involved in the earlier stages of the process. An informal meeting to announce the office relocation offers a great opportunity to get staff excited, whilst answering any questions that they might have. Follow this up with an email to keep the dialogue and buzz going. Arranging pre-move tours of the new office space is another way to get teams excited, allowing them to get a feel for the place and a chance to see their new desk.

Communicating the office relocation to clients is also important. As well as informing clients via your usual means of communication, we recommend having a message about the move in all email signatures in the run up to the big day, as a constant reminder.


4. Office move checklist - Teamwork makes the dream work

Meeting room in a private office near Old Street.


Moving requires all hands on deck but creating a dedicated move team can really help to speed the process along. This team will be tasked with setting key milestones, ensuring that they are met and updating the wider teams on progress. For larger workforces, make sure that this team is cross-departmental with a mixture of senior and junior staff so that everyone is accounted for.


5. Office move checklist - Packing, packing, and more packing

This office space in Mayfair puts a contemporary twist on a traditional design.


You’ll need boxes and crates…And lots of them. Arrange for these to be delivered to the office way in advance of the big day. It’s important to pack gradually rather than leaving it all to the last minute. A few weeks before the office relocation, allocate one afternoon a week where everyone down tools, the radio comes on and packing begins. Moving is an excellent opportunity to have a clear out, so try to make packing as clutter-free as possible. 

You might need external help when it comes to packing and moving. There are plenty of companies that offer removal services, especially in London. Be sure to hire a reputable company with good reviews in order to get your items to your new office in one piece.


6. Office move checklist - A word about IT

Picture this: you’ve found a new office, it ticks every box on your wishlist, it’s within budget, in your dream location, you move in, and there’s no WIFI… A modern-day disaster, right? We can’t stress how important it is to organise all-things-IT ahead of time. This is key to a successful moving day and will make the office relocation as smooth as possible, with minimal disruption to your business.

Do an audit of everyone’s equipment, pack it carefully, ensure that it arrives at the right desk at the new office, install it and test it in advance. If your staff use laptops or a combination of laptops and desktops, have them take their laptops home with them on the last day in the old office if possible. They can then bring them to the new office where the rest of their equipment will already be set up and waiting. If your team uses desktops only then perhaps their computers can be moved at the end of play on Friday, set up, installed and tested over the weekend, ready for the first day at the new office on Monday.

This isn’t just limited to WIFI and desk equipment but telephone connection, printers, meeting room screens, access cards, and anything else that falls within this remit.


7. Office move checklist - Before the big day

The exposed bricks and timber beams in our Clerkenwell office space offer the perfect amalgamation of old and new, spread across 3 floors.


This is your last opportunity to evaluate the new space and make sure that any last minute changes are made ahead of the move. Has all of your furniture been installed? Is there plenty of coffee in the kitchen? Does everyone know how to get to your new office and what time to arrive?

The objective here is to ensure that everything is perfect for when your staff move in.


8. Office relocation checklist - Moving day

The big day is finally here! 

The bulk of everything should already be in the new office, so it’s just a case of getting everyone through the door and set up at their new desks. It might be worth considering a staggered approach to the move if you have a large workforce, to make the process easier to manage.

Organise a team breakfast to welcome everyone with a word from the move team and senior leadership. This is another excellent opportunity for a Q&A session. It’s also a great chance to announce Step 9 in this office move checklist


9. Office relocation checklist - House warming party


This Holborn office space isn't short of breakout areas, which can double as spaces to host party guests.


Mark the occasion with a welcome party for staff and clients. This will make clients feel involved in “the big move” that you’ve been talking about for weeks and will allow them to get familiar with your new office space, so they know where to come next time. It’s also a great networking opportunity so don’t be afraid to invite former clients too, you might just win some new business over a glass of fizz.


10. Congratulations, you did it!

Now all that’s left to do is for you and your team to enjoy your new office.

A creative and dynamic office space in Rivington Street which offers two communal meeting rooms and a private booth for when you need a bit of focus time.